Prof. Man Singh, M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry) and PhD (Thermodynamics of zwitterionic liquid solutions) from University of Delhi in year 1987, has joined Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar as Professor in 2009. He is working in area of Dendrimer-lanthanides interactions, dendrimer-drug release systems, smart resins (MFP, MUF, MDUF), physicochemical properties of proteins-lanthanide nanoemulsion, Curcumin in O/W nanoemulsion with biocompatible surfactants for better curcumin intake, structural science of Ionic liquids, Functionalization of graphene, Supramolecular and coordination chemistry, Biodiesel. Prof. Singh in his academic career in University of Delhi and CUG has come up with new inventions like Survismeter (commercialized by Borosil), Oscosurvismeter, Visionmeter, NOSIA, Friccohesity, mansingh equation, tentropy, IMMFT and DF CUG
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